Moving Beyond OpenGL 1.1 for Windows April, 2002 - Dave Astle Excellent article on how to use OpenGL extensions. It also has a useful overview of what extensions are available. Delphi3D
NeHe Productions
nVidia Developer The developer relations site of nVidia is full of good articles and demos with source code on 3D graphics.
OpenGL Programming Guide The OpenGL Red Book, a complete guide to programming with OpenGL, version 1.1. Batch, batch, batch: What does it really mean? March, 2004 - Matthias Wloka This presentation shows how batches are important in 3D rendering. It also shows how the ideal size of the batches changes with the speed of the GPU and CPU. A few ideas on how to improve batch sizes are given. OpenGL Hardware Registry Shows the OpenGL capabilities of a wide range of 3D accelerators. Vertex Displacement Mapping using GLSL Mar, 2006
CodeSampler Kevin Harris Lot's of code samples for DirectX, OpenGL, and other things. Humus A site with lots of cool 3D samples with source code for both OpenGL and DirectX. OpenGL Shading Language course Oct, 2006 - Typhoon Labs