> Reference Database

Computer Science/Algorithms & data structures

.NET  7
Artificial Intelligence  7
  Group behavior  2
  Path finding  16
    A* and its derivatives  6
  Pattern recognition  1
  Steering behavior  2
  World interaction  4
Audio  0
  DirectX  8
  DSP  5
  Ogg Vorbis  2
  OpenAL  1
  Windows  1
Computer Science  2
  Algorithms & data structures  12
    BSP trees  8
  Encryption  12
  Randomness & noise  11
Data storage  4
  File formats  14
    Image  10
  Resource files  2
Game Development  20
  Cheat & crack prevention  10
  Input  3
  Timing  4
Graphics  27
  Character animation  6
  DirectX  24
    Optimizing  8
  Illumination  5
    Deferred lighting  7
    Global illumination  8
    Lighting models  6
    Screen Space Ambient Occlusion  4
    Shadow maps  18
    Shadow volumes  15
  Image processing & synthesizing  19
  Non-polygonal rendering  3
    Ray tracing  3
  OpenGL  12
  Particle systems  7
  Shaders  32
  Simulation  4
    Cloth  2
    Clouds & sky light  7
    Fire & smoke  4
    Liquids  12
  Surfaces & Meshes  8
    Implicit surfaces  6
    Parametric curves & surfaces  7
    Polygon reduction & LOD  3
    Subdivision surfaces  7
  Terrain  7
    Continuous LOD  12
    Generating data  4
    Voxel engines  2
  Text  6
  Transparency  1
  Visibility determination  16
Languages  5
  Assembler  20
  C & C++  26
    C++ exceptions  5
    Calling conventions  12
    Debugging  5
    Memory management  7
    Optimizations  6
  C#  4
  Creating your own language  13
    Garbage collection  7
  D  2
  Java  4
  Scripting  3
    JScript & VBScript  1
    Lua  6
    Other languages  8
    Perl  2
    Python  5
    Ruby  4
Mathematics  3
  Fourier transform  4
  Geometry  6
  Linear algebra, vectors & matrices  9
  Wavelet transform  5
Object design  3
Physics  5
  Body dynamics  8
  Collision detection  10
    Polytopes  6
Platform  2
  Linux  1
  Mac  2
  Windows  13
    COM, ATL & WTL  8
    Dynamically loaded libraries  6
    Hooks  5
    Input  2
    Networking  6
    Screensavers  3
    Services  1
    Shell  2
    Small executables  3
    Windows  8
Web Technologies  8

Sorting and Searching Algorithms
Thomas Niemann
This is a paper that describes and gives comparisons for standard algorithms for sorting and searching, e.g. quick sort and red-black trees.

Numerical Recipes
A very good collection of algorithms together with sample source code. Available are algorithms on linear algebra, interpolation and extrapolation, integration and evaluation of functions, random numbers, sorting, root finding, huffman coding, etc.

Binary search tree applet
This applet shows how various binary search trees work.

An Introduction to Hash Tables with Chaining
Mar, 2004 - GaulerTheGoat
This article gives a good introduction to how hash tables work, and how to choose the hash functions.

Balanced binary search tree with a doubly linked list in C++
July, 2004 - Arjan van den Boogaard
This article shows an interesting combination of a Red-Black tree and a double linked list.

Delaunay Triangles
Dec, 2004 - Sjaak Priester
This article shows a very simple yet effective way of doing delauney triangulation of a set of points.

Adaptively Sampled Distance Fields: A General Representation of Shape for Computer Graphics
Dec, 2000 - Sarah F. Frisken, Ronald N. Perry, Alyn P. Rockwood, Thouis R. Jones
This article explains the ADF datastructure, which seems particularly efficient at representing static shapes for rendering and collision detection, as well as requiring little memory.

Welzl's Minimum Sphere Algorithm Demystified
Mar, 2008 - Eli Kara
Easy to understand explanation of Welzl's efficient algorithm for finding the minimal bounding sphere from a set of points.

Procedural Content Generation
A wiki about procedural content generation.

Triangulation by Ear Clipping
Mar, 2008 - David Eberly
This paper describes the ear-clipping polygon triangulation algorithm in detail, and also shows how to keep it efficient by reducing the amount of verification needed on each iteration.

Geometric Tools
This site holds lots of interestering documents describing algorithms, mostly on geometrical computation, but also other more generic applications. The site is also home to the programming library Wild Magic, which is available under the Boost license.

A thousand ways to pack the bin
Feb, 2010 - Jukka Jylänki
This article presents and compares several different algorithms for packing rectangles into a bin. This is commonly used for texture atlases as a way of optimizations.