Finding Next Gen - CryEngine 2 2007 - Martin Mittring Talks about various different techniques: screen space ambient occlusion, shadow maps (various types), etc. Doesn't go into a lot of detail but gives plenty of ideas to the creative developer. Ambient Occlusive Crease Shading Aug, 2007 - Megan Fox, Compton Shows how to do ambient occlusion in screen space based on the normals and position of each rendered pixel. Real-time Shadow Algorithms and Techniques Oct, 2008 - nVidia nVidia has set up a page full of links to articles and samples on shadowing, including most popular techniques, such as shadow mapping, shadow volumes, soft shadows, etc. StarCraft II - Effects and Techniques 2008 - Dominic Filion, Rob McNaughton This article describes how Blizzard have solved their needs for the graphics engine. It covers areas such as Deferred Rendering, Deferred Lighting, SSAO, Depth of Field, and Translucent shadows. |