Character Animation: Skeletons and Inverse Kinematics Steve Pitzel This article is directed towards the animator. It deals with how Inverse Kinematic can be used to avoid difficulties with holding the position of the foot, hand, etc when the rest of the body is moving. It also gives a few tips on how to avoid some of the difficulties with IK. Level Editing September 27, 1999 - Luke Hodorowicz This article explains how to convert WorldCraft map files into your own format so that you don't need to write your own level editor. Three-Axis Animation: The Hardships of Animating Three-Dimensional Characters in Real Time Games July, 2001 - JM Ringuet This article is directed towards the animator and not the programmer. It gives some good pointers on how to make more realistic animations for characters and animals. A Procedural Approach to Authoring Solid Models 2002 - Barbara Cutler, Julie Dorsey, Leonard McMillan, Matthias Mueller & Robert Jagnow This article shows how the authors uses a script language to apply various simulations on 3D volumes in order to create realistic models with very little effort. An Architect's Perspective On Level Design Pre-Production June, 2003 - Michael Stuart Licht This article gives a good overview of how to go about designing a level for a first person or third person game. A great place to go for free textures, 3d models, and audio. Turbo Squid This is a custom search engine where users can upload game resources and let other users download them for free, or for a price.
CS Girl Tutorial Very detailed tutorial for how to create a Counter-Strike model using MilkShape. It doesn't cover how to animate the model, though, instead it uses the same skeleton as the other Counter-Strike models. Building Emotion: The basics of the eyes Jason Osipa This articles describes how important the eyes are for showing emotions in computer characters. It is mostly directed towards modelers and animators. Taken from the book Stop Staring. How to sculpt an Orc Stefan B. Niehues This is a very long sequence of photos detailing the progress of how to sculpt a miniature orc with modeling clay. 3D Cafe Both free and commercial textures and 3D models. RealDB Store An online store that sells high detail 3D models of modern military vehicles. The prices are a bit high, but amazing amount of vehicles and high detail make it a well worth visit anyway. Pixel Director This company sells quality low-poly models for a very low price. Cubix Studio High quality models for a reasonable price. Perfect for independent developers. High quality 3D models of vehicles and weapons of warfare. Yobi3D Search engine for 3D models. It comes with a pre-viewer in the browser so you can check out the 3D model before going to the download page at the source. |