Bitmap Font Generator - Documentation

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File format

  • File tags
  • Binary file layout

    File tags


    This tag holds information on how the font was generated.

    faceThis is the name of the true type font.
    sizeThe size of the true type font.
    boldThe font is bold.
    italicThe font is italic.
    charsetThe name of the OEM charset used (when not unicode).
    unicodeSet to 1 if it is the unicode charset.
    stretchHThe font height stretch in percentage. 100% means no stretch.
    smoothSet to 1 if smoothing was turned on.
    aaThe supersampling level used. 1 means no supersampling was used.
    paddingThe padding for each character (up, right, down, left).
    spacingThe spacing for each character (horizontal, vertical).
    outlineThe outline thickness for the characters.


    This tag holds information common to all characters.

    lineHeightThis is the distance in pixels between each line of text.
    baseThe number of pixels from the absolute top of the line to the base of the characters.
    scaleWThe width of the texture, normally used to scale the x pos of the character image.
    scaleHThe height of the texture, normally used to scale the y pos of the character image.
    pagesThe number of texture pages included in the font.
    packedSet to 1 if the monochrome characters have been packed into each of the texture channels. In this case alphaChnl describes what is stored in each channel.
    alphaChnlSet to 0 if the channel holds the glyph data, 1 if it holds the outline, 2 if it holds the glyph and the outline, 3 if its set to zero, and 4 if its set to one.
    redChnlSet to 0 if the channel holds the glyph data, 1 if it holds the outline, 2 if it holds the glyph and the outline, 3 if its set to zero, and 4 if its set to one.
    greenChnlSet to 0 if the channel holds the glyph data, 1 if it holds the outline, 2 if it holds the glyph and the outline, 3 if its set to zero, and 4 if its set to one.
    blueChnlSet to 0 if the channel holds the glyph data, 1 if it holds the outline, 2 if it holds the glyph and the outline, 3 if its set to zero, and 4 if its set to one.


    This tag gives the name of a texture file. There is one for each page in the font.

    idThe page id.
    fileThe texture file name.


    This tag describes on character in the font. There is one for each included character in the font.

    idThe character id.
    xThe left position of the character image in the texture.
    yThe top position of the character image in the texture.
    widthThe width of the character image in the texture.
    heightThe height of the character image in the texture.
    xoffsetHow much the current position should be offset when copying the image from the texture to the screen.
    yoffsetHow much the current position should be offset when copying the image from the texture to the screen.
    xadvanceHow much the current position should be advanced after drawing the character.
    pageThe texture page where the character image is found.
    chnlThe texture channel where the character image is found (1 = blue, 2 = green, 4 = red, 8 = alpha, 15 = all channels).


    The kerning information is used to adjust the distance between certain characters, e.g. some characters should be placed closer to each other than others.

    firstThe first character id.
    secondThe second character id.
    amountHow much the x position should be adjusted when drawing the second character immediately following the first.

    Binary file layout

    This section describes the layout of the tags in the binary file format. To understand what each tag means refer to the file tags section.

    The first three bytes are the file identifier and must always be 66, 77, 70, or "BMF". The fourth byte gives the format version, currently it must be 3.

    Following the first four bytes is a series of blocks with information. Each block starts with a one byte block type identifier, followed by a 4 byte integer that gives the size of the block, not including the block type identifier and the size value.

    Block type 1: info

    fontSize 2 int 0
    bitField 1 bits 2 bit 0: smooth, bit 1: unicode, bit 2: italic, bit 3: bold, bit 4: fixedHeigth, bits 5-7: reserved
    charSet 1 uint 3
    stretchH 2 uint 4
    aa 1 uint 6
    paddingUp 1 uint 7
    paddingRight1 uint 8
    paddingDown 1 uint 9
    paddingLeft 1 uint 10
    spacingHoriz1 uint 11
    spacingVert 1 uint 12
    outline 1 uint 13added with version 2
    fontName n+1string 14null terminated string with length n

    This structure gives the layout of the fields. Remember that there should be no padding between members. Allocate the size of the block using the blockSize, as following the block comes the font name, including the terminating null char. Most of the time this block can simply be ignored.

    Block type 2: common

    lineHeight 2 uint 0
    base 2 uint 2
    scaleW 2 uint 4
    scaleH 2 uint 6
    pages 2 uint 8
    bitField 1 bits 10 bits 0-6: reserved, bit 7: packed
    alphaChnl 1 uint 11
    redChnl 1 uint 12
    greenChnl 1 uint 13
    blueChnl 1 uint 14

    Block type 3: pages

    pageNames p*(n+1) strings 0 p null terminated strings, each with length n

    This block gives the name of each texture file with the image data for the characters. The string pageNames holds the names separated and terminated by null chars. Each filename has the same length, so once you know the size of the first name, you can easily determine the position of each of the names. The id of each page is the zero-based index of the string name.

    Block type 4: chars

    id 4 uint 0+c*20 These fields are repeated until all characters have been described
    x 2 uint 4+c*20
    y 2 uint 6+c*20
    width 2 uint 8+c*20
    height 2 uint 10+c*20
    xoffset 2 int 12+c*20
    yoffset 2 int 14+c*20
    xadvance 2 int 16+c*20
    page 1 uint 18+c*20
    chnl 1 uint 19+c*20

    The number of characters in the file can be computed by taking the size of the block and dividing with the size of the charInfo structure, i.e.: numChars = charsBlock.blockSize/20.

    Block type 5: kerning pairs

    first 4 uint 0+c*10 These fields are repeated until all kerning pairs have been described
    second 4 uint 4+c*10
    amount 2 int 8+c*6

    This block is only in the file if there are any kerning pairs with amount differing from 0.