Further resources & support
Newcomers do well to visit the forums where a large portion of the community frequent and can help with any doubts for getting started. This is also a great place to report bugs where the resolution can be shared with the rest of the community as well.
Those who prefer IRC can join the #angelscript channel on webchat.freenode.net, where a group of developers hang out.
The community wiki may also be visited for extra information. The wiki is open for the community to contribute information such as tips & tricks, samples, and tutorials.
Other community sites:
- DinS Site - Chinese development site with tutorials for using AngelScript
Please let me know if you know of other worthwhile community sites that can be added here.
AngelScript Engine Interface Documentation Generator
Foddex has created a documentation generation that works nicely with AngelScript and allow the application developer to keep the documentation for the script API where it is registered to make it easier to maintain as the interface changes.
Download docgen from github.com
JIT compiler
If you like AngelScript, you may be interested in testing the JIT compiler for AngelScript that Blind Mind Studios implemented. While AngelScript is already quite fast a JIT compiler can still improve the performance quite a bit.
Download the JIT compiler from github.com
BlueCat's fork has some needed fixes, that have yet to be applied in the original version
asdbg - Remote debugger
codecat, a.k.a. Miss, has also implemented a remote debugger for AngelScript projects. It is easily integrated into the application code, and the debugger GUI has a nice interface with a visual code view.
Note: The GUI is implemented in C#
Intellij AngelScript plugin
Matt Hornung has implemented a plugin to add support for AngelScript syntax highlighting and code completion in IntelliJ IDEA
Download from JetBrains or github
AngelScript Add-on Template Library
Sami Vuorela has implemented a template container library that brings to AngelScript useful containers such as: vector, list, set, unordered_set, map, and unordered_map. Those who are familiar with C++ STL template containers will feel right at home with this add-on library.
Download the AATC from github.com
romanpunia has implemented a Promise concept for AngelScript to support asynchronous operations.
Download aspromise from github.com
A simple xml parser & writer for angelscript, using the tinyxml2 c++ parser. Written by bluecataudio, a.k.a. gjl.
Json parser & writer for angelscript, using the nlohmann::json c++ library. Written by Hanan Arshad.
Automatic wrappers for smart pointers
Registering smart pointers with AngelScript requires the use of wrappers to be able to properly call the members. SiCrane from GameDev.net provided a template based automatic wrapping for this purpose.
RefCountingObject system for AngelScript
Petr Ohlídal has created a smart pointer implementation compatible with C++ and AngelScript, to make it easier to handle the reference counting.
C++ STL-style array that's compatible with AngelScript
This handy template class written by Squared'D functions almost identically to an ordinary std::vector, yet it is compatible with AngelScript's array by embedding an CScriptArray.
Download from Squared Programming
print function with variadic parameters for AngelScript
Patrick Jeeves has implemented a nice print function with support for variadic parameters (up to 16) that can be used from the script.
Anthony Casteel wrote a quite capable pre-processor for AngelScript back in 2005. Though Anthony is no longer supporting it and has removed it from his site, the pre-processor can still be found on github.com as part of the AngelJuice IDE.
Codecat Preprocessor
codecat, a.k.a. Miss, wrote a general purpose preprocessor that works for AngelScript as well.
Sublime Text - AngelScript syntax highlighting
The Sublime Text editor has support for AngelScript syntax highlighting with the following package.
HenryAWE has implemented a C++ 20 AngelScript binding library. It not only helps with binding the C++ application interface with AngelScript, but also for calling script functions from the application.
C interface
I've written a C interface that can be used to integrate AngelScript with other languages than C++, for example C, Delphi, Pascal, etc. As it is not part of the standard SDK I do not keep it updated with every release, but it is quite easy to update for the latest release when needed, so don't hesitate to let me know if you'd like to have it updated.
Note: Last updated for 2.36.1 (June 25th, 2023)