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Custom array type

Like the string type, AngelScript doesn't have a built-in dynamic array type. Instead the application developers that wishes to allow dynamic arrays in the scripts should register this in the way that is best suited for the application. To save time a readily usable add-on is provided with a fully implemented dynamic array type.

If you wish to create your own array type, you'll need to understand how template types work. A template type is a special form of registering a type that the engine can then use to instanciate the true types based on the desired sub-types. This allow a single type registration to cover all possible array types that the script may need, instead of the application having to register a specific type for each type of array.

Of course, a generic type like this will have a drawback in performance due to runtime checks to determine the actual type, so the application should consider registering template specializations of the most common array types. This will allow the best optimizations for those types, and will also permit better interaction with the application as the template specialization can better match the actual array types that the application uses.